5 Questions
Discover the unknown cause behind your problems
Question 1:
Why are you here?
I'm assuming... You are here because you have symptoms:
All those are SYMPTOMS!
They are ALL a reaction to something else.
They are your body telling you: "Hey, something's wrong."
Question 2:
Have you tried to do something about them?
I assume:
Yes, you've tried different treatments, therapies, experts, and more...
BUT did they work long-term or give you the results you wanted?
Here are the 6 most common mistakes
sabotaging your healing process:
Do they sound familiar to you?

Focusing on the Symptoms first
Your symptoms are your friends, they are telling you something is off... For example:
Something inside your body that shouldn't be there? (Root Cause) => Fever (Symptom)
Broke your foot? (Root Cause) => Pain (Symptom)
Toxic relationships? (Root Cause) => Loneliness/Anxiety (Symptom)
We try to mask the symptoms instead of tending to the root cause, sabotaging the healing process.

Focusing on Invasive first
Every part of your body is very important and has a function. Should you remove organs or other parts of your body? (Appendix, Amygdala, Bladder, Muscles, Teeth, etc)
Should you let your body be cut open in surgeries trying to "fix" something that wasn't caused by an invasive experience or event?
Should screws, holes, wires, tubes, and other artificial objects be added inside your body?
Focusing on the Artificial first
In case of accidents or emergencies, it's great we have medicalized solutions like medications, drugs, injections, orthopedic soles, belts, etc...
But if you understand your body is part of a natural system, why would you start your healing process using artificial methods? Shouldn't you try to solve a natural problem (Your body/Mind) with a natural approach first?
It's like giving medications to a dry plant instead of water...

Focusing on Cheapest first
I'm from Brazil and people there have no money, they celebrate finding cheap things: "Got this food 15% off!"
What they don't understand is usually: CHEAP = BAD QUALITY!
Do you want a "cheap" husband? Or a "cheap" car? Do you want a "cheap" immune system?
Nowadays, if you want quality, you need to invest more, like in poison-free products.
If your heart is about to stop, do you want the "cheapest" surgeon or the one that will help you best?

Focusing on Fastest first
For you to get sick it takes time and consistency of bad choices or events.
It probably took years for your current problems to develop... It will also take time and consistency for you to heal.
Working with me will help you improve faster than you think, but we still need time and consistency.
There is no Magic Pill, there is no Secret Stretch, there is no Miracle Supplement...

Focusing on Body parts first
If you have back problems: Other parts will likely suffer later, for example, shoulders, arms, knees, and more.
If you have foot problems: You will walk differently, adding more stress to the other leg or back...
If you have liver problems: Your hormones will be negatively affected, as well as your digestion, sleep, energy levels, and so on.
Everything is connected in your body, focusing on one specific part and ignoring the rest will only lead to new problems or problems that keep coming back.
Question 3:
What if we focus on the cause your symptoms?
In my approach, the premise is:
You are capable of healing.
Why are you not healed and how can we improve that?
Your Nervous System
Your nervous system controls and regulates everything in your body, and therefore in your life:
Movement, breathing, sleeping, digestion, thinking, emotions, hormones, mood, memory, and so on...
Most of us know we should brush our teeth and shower every day, but we have almost no idea how to properly take care of our nervous system.
What happens to a plant if you don't know how to take care of it? Or to a car? Or a pet?
Break down / Sickness / Malfunction / Death.
So why would you expect your nervous system to work well if you don't know how to take good care of it?

Anything... Anywhere... at Anytime.
Let's focus on strengthening your nervous system and spine,
so your body can heal better!
Question 4:
Would you like to experience results like these?

Question 5:
Okay, it makes sense, what can you do now?
Book your first appointment
Then we can take a proper look at the health of your nervous system and spine.

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