Our 5 Bodies
5 bodies inside 1
Our bodies have thousands of different divisions by thousands of different cultures... and in the end, we are all one.
Our philosophy divides us into 5 bodies.
All our bodies are in direct connection with all our bodies. They are the same.
Anything we experience in a Physical, Chemical, Emotional, Mental, or Energetical way, will have an impact on all the other bodies.
If you fall down the stairs:
> That's physical stress;
> Chemical body reaction: Inflammation or regeneration;
> Mental body reaction: Am I okay? Do I need help?
> Emotional body reaction: How do I feel? Does this feel familiar?
> Energetical body reaction: Everything...
Everything we eat, do, think, wear, smell, see, feel, draw, etc, has a direct impact on every aspect of our lives.
We must be very mindful of what we choose to expose ourselves to.

Physical Body
Movement / Posture / Balance / Breathing / Coordination / Flexibility / Strength /
Appearance / Speed / Eyesight...
Our physical body is the one in close contact with the externalities of the world.
It is the body responsible to fight gravity and resistance. The better we can move around without problems, the healthier we are.
Signs of physical body stress:
Pains and aches, Bad posture, Weak or Flaccid body, Tiredness, Bad eyesight, Stiffness, Inactivity, Overweight, Poor balance and coordination, Asymmetry...

Chemical Body
Regeneration / Digestion / Sleep / Energy / Hormones / Menstrual Cycle / Sexual drive / Detoxification / Cardiovascular fitness / Bowel health...
Our chemical body is what keeps everything functioning properly.
Everything we get in contact with is a chemical element, therefore everything we get in contact with is going to affect our chemical body...
We must be mindful of our foods
and drinks, clothes, hygiene products,
air, mattress, lights, jewelry and so on...
Signs of chemical body stress:
Problems with: Digestion, Sleep, Period, Inflammation, Energy, Hormones, Heart, Sexual intercourse, Thyroid, Lymphatic system, Bathroom, Sugar levels, Temperature, Auto-Immune...

Emotional Body
Love / Peace / Abundance / Safety / Freedom / Happiness / Fulfillment / Certainty / Respect / Connection / Honesty / Faith...
Our emotions and feelings are the language of our bodies, and 99% of it is based on our past experiences.
We store experiences in our bodies through emotions and feelings.
Emotions, which are caused by external forces should be observed and understood.
Feelings, which are created from the
inside, should be felt.
Emotional Mastery should be a journey for each one of us. Otherwise, we are victims of our past.
Signs of emotional body stress:
Feelings of: Fear, Insecurity, Insulted, Vulnerable, Jealousy, Frustration, Anxiety, Depression Weakness, Guilt, Greed, Betrayed, Abandoned, Lonely, Shame...

Mental Body
Discipline / Memory / Focus / Attention / Habits / Communication / Problem Solving / Environment awareness / Social awareness / Motivation...
In order to change we first need to be aware there is a problem, then understand well the problem, then find out solutions for the problem and then, of course, we have to put the solution into action.
All of that is part of our mental body, all the logistical part of our life.
Our mind wants us to thrive and live the most incredible life.
Our body has been programmed by society and our past traumas. We mostly identify ourselves as our body's "feelings/wants/needs".
We are MUCH more than that.
Signs of mental body stress:
Laziness, Procrastination, Lack of motivation, Uncertainty, Ignorance, Stubborn, Poor finance, Lack of focus, Being overwhelmed, Coping mechanisms...

Energetical Body
We are energetical beings living in an energetical world.
One Is All. All Is One.
There is no separation between our energetical bodies and the universe, we are all made of the same "stuff".
If an atom is made up of 99,99..% of empty space, which means WE ARE 99,999...% empty space.
When we go a little deeper we understand that this "empty" space is not empty,
is full of information, it is
what gives matter its properties.
Nowadays we are almost completely
trapped in the externalities of our lives and disconnected from ourselves and the universe.
Signs of energetical body stress:
Everything and nothing...
"Almost nothing material is needed for a happy life,
for he who has understood existence." - Marcus Aurelius